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Upstream Battle

(unknown) Release Date: Director: Ben Kempas Writer: Ben Kempas Plot: Since the beginning of time, Pacific salmon have swum up the Klamath River to their spawning grounds. A few generations ago, there were a million salmon per season. Today there are only a few thousand. Four hydroelectric dams in Northern California and Oregon have cut off their path and turned the water into a toxic soup. In 2002, as many as seventy thousand salmon died from these conditions in one of the worst fish kills in American history. One of the most haunting images in Upstream Battle is that of salmon leaping out of the water, only to smack into the dam. Director Ben Kempas tells the remarkable story of the battle over the use of this river, in which average citizens struggle against a multinational corporation that appears as impenetrable as its dams. Genre: Documentary IMDb: Website: link
Quicktime Trailer
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(? MB)(512x294)
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